“It began as a casual conversation over wine at a cocktail party.

While discussing the upcoming inaugural winter rodeo and skijoring competition, Elizabeth Windsor and Sandra Wallop decided they wanted to put together a team.

To do so, they realized, would require importing other athletes, because as Elizabeth pointed out, they wanted to win.

‘We knew we could come in last place,’ she laughed, ‘but we wanted to participate more safely.’

‘With our limbs still intact,’ Sandra added.

So, they put their heads together to recruit top talent. Calling upon her ranching connections, Sandra immediately contacted local pro rodeo standout Weston Mann, who said he was more than happy to lend a hand. Meanwhile, Elizabeth called upon her ace in the hole, 17-year-old Lane McKenney, who was by far the best skier they’d ever known. Lane had been her son’s best friend when the Windsors lived in Washington, so she sent a text to Lane’s mother, who immediately replied with a yes.

A free trip to Wyoming to ski in a quasi-rodeo event?

He’d be on the next plane out.”

Source:  Kocher, Jennifer. “The Building Of A Skijoring ‘Dream Team’” Count3.News February 21, 2019.